Tough Times - 2nd of Philippians Series
**The purpose of this is to focus on Philippians. Topics may arise where I use my previous knowledge to elaborate without other Scriptural evidence. PLEASE search and pray for yourself about all things.
Many people use bad times to blame others. They might get angry or stressed. Living for Christ gets very difficult in hard times especially when we're not 100% in during the good times. Despite this, through Jesus Christ, we can persevere and see God work through the tough times.
In the passage above, Paul is in a prison. Not only a prison, though. It is in the presence of the whole praetorian guard. Other versions use "palace guard". These soldiers were the elites in the Roman Army. They were used to guard the high officials. Paul is in the prison in a palace. He is in chains and suffering all because he has faith in Jesus Christ.
Through his struggle, he is able to proclaim that all is well because it is for the sake of Christ. Additionally, his other brothers and sisters have gained courage and boldness to proclaim Christ. Paul demonstrates how we should view situations. Whether our circumstance is good or bad, all we need to do is live it for God. The things that we can't control will simply serve as furthering the Gospel of Christ in some way.
Philippians 1:12-14 NASB
[12]Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel, [13]so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to everyone else, [14]and that most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.Many of us have gone through very difficult situations. Some might be from other people and other times they can be internal struggles. Paul most certainly experienced both ends of these times.
Many people use bad times to blame others. They might get angry or stressed. Living for Christ gets very difficult in hard times especially when we're not 100% in during the good times. Despite this, through Jesus Christ, we can persevere and see God work through the tough times.
In the passage above, Paul is in a prison. Not only a prison, though. It is in the presence of the whole praetorian guard. Other versions use "palace guard". These soldiers were the elites in the Roman Army. They were used to guard the high officials. Paul is in the prison in a palace. He is in chains and suffering all because he has faith in Jesus Christ.
Through his struggle, he is able to proclaim that all is well because it is for the sake of Christ. Additionally, his other brothers and sisters have gained courage and boldness to proclaim Christ. Paul demonstrates how we should view situations. Whether our circumstance is good or bad, all we need to do is live it for God. The things that we can't control will simply serve as furthering the Gospel of Christ in some way.
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