
Showing posts from February, 2016

Criminal or True Christian?

In today's society, being Christian means you're a goodie-goodie. You follow all the rules. At most people only find your beliefs annoying or stupid. But is this how God intended for us to live? To a degree - yes; Jesus says "Blessed are the peacemakers." However, Christianity doesn't always mean submitting to the powers of this world. All throughout scripture, God tries to keep His people holy and pure from the corruption of this world. This would then mean that His will is not for us to blend in with the world and its evil. In Acts 24, Paul is brought on trial before the governor. Paul is thought highly of by today's Christians. He was very influential and wrote much of the New Testament. In his time though, he was hated. (Jesus was also hated... there must be a connection here). So, it must make sense that if we lived like Paul, or more importantly like Jesus, we would also be hated. Acts 24:5-8 reads: "'We have found this man to be a troublema...